Sunday, October 3, 2010


Hey man! It's Dakota from WonderRoot. Hope all is well! See you at The Fest?!

1. Where​ do you live?​
Currently, Atlanta, Georgia. Soon to be Asheville, North Carolina!

2. How would​ you descr​ibe yours​ellf?​
Generally tired, but in a good way. As in tired from doing stuff, not just sitting around.

3. What is your ideal​ dream​ality​?​
To make be a positive influence or play a role in making a positive change in a person or community through art.

4. Favor​ites?​
Gretsch guitars, vegan pizza, 3am bike rides, friends that are closer than family ever will be

5. What's the best place to get pizza in Atlanta?
Village Pizza! Village Vegan Deluxe w/ Latina crust = <3

6. Best time ever?​?​?​
Summer 2009.

7. Descr​ibe your scars​.​.​.​

Giant burn scar that looks like a band-aid on my elbow - So I'm a toddler, toddling around my house as any toddler would. I see a drawer hanging open, and decide it would be fun to grab on to it and fall back. Unbeknownst to me, my mother was being an irresponsible parent at the time and had left her curling iron heating up with the cord tangled in said drawer. So I follow through with my plan and am met with a searing pain on my elbow and a nice scar with a fun story to go along with it.

Chinjury - I attempted to jump over a barricade at a skatepark. Chin hit asphalt, asphalt hit chin, chin stayed on asphalt. Blood everywhere. The guy that ran the skatepark cradled my like I was in Titanic and poured water in my mouth so I wouldn't pass out.

Finger scar - Super deep cut from saving a cat's life. Basically, someone had tied a cat to a quilt nailed to a door. The cat started thrashing around while I was cutting the quilt, and my knife shut on my finger. Ouch!

8. Who is your numbe​r 1?​?
Definitely my grandmother! RIP.

9. Where​ is the best place​ to find you?​
At the moment, WonderRoot Community Arts Center in Atlanta, Georgia or wherever The Wild is playing.

10. Rep your shit!​

The Wild -
Bonfire Club Records -
Southeast Punk - (coming soon!)
Stoked: The Band -
WonderRoot -